Risk Manager (Risk Management)

Organizations, especially larger entities, have recognized the need to better understand their exposures and means of covering their exposures. A risk manager will determine all of a company’s exposures, determine if insurance or self insurance is appropriate, and coordinate loss…


A chance of loss or injury for which an insurance claim may be submitted. For a risk to be insurable, related events that could result in a claim must be unexpected (see Accident and Occurrence). For example, the possibility that…

Return Premium

A refund to the policyholder of part of the premium he has paid because of cancellation, rate reduction, reduction in amount of insurance, or some similar reason.

Residual Market*

A system through which insurance is made available to customers that represent unusually high risks. This insurance is provided through Facility Association.

Rent Insurance

A form of loss of use insurance protecting against loss of rental income. It is particularly valuable where a landlord may depend upon a rental income from his various premises to pay the mortgages. In event of fire, the rents…