What does home insurance actually cover?
Home Insurance companies Ontario – Home insurance will cover damage to your property and to your assets/belongings in the event of certain unpredictable weather, fire, burglary or destruction.
Home insurance will also cover you if someone gets hurt on your property and decides to sue (although it is still your responsibility as a homeowner to ensure that walkways, sideways, etc. are as free and clear of hazards as possible). Home insurance will also take care of part-time shelter costs if you are temporarily displaced from your home.
What home insurance may not cover
Not included in home insurance is coverage for natural disasters (such as landslides and earthquakes), massive power failure, war, nuclear hazard, any bad repair or workmanship contracted on your home, and flooding.
Also, if you happen to live in an area where natural disasters (i.e. tornados) are more likely to occur, this is considered a “high risks” area and it is best to inquire directly if this type of storm is covered on your policy.
Water damage can be tricky. If you live in a region prone to flooding – you should consider additional coverage. However, generally speaking, any water from above (i.e. burst pipe on a second floor, apartment, etc. ) is covered, but water damage from below (i.e backed up sewers) generally will not be.
So, if you are in the process of renewing a home policy or would like a new home insurance quote prior to purchasing that home, give All-Risks Insurance Brokers Limited a call or begin your free online home insurance companies Ontario quote here.

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